The next announced nominee running in the 2016 Republican primary that Campaign On This will give a quick bio and campaign finance background on is Mike Huckabee. Huckabee served as the governor of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007.
Huckabee first threw his hat into the presidential race in 2008. During the Republican primary, Huckabee was able to secure the state of Iowa. However, he ultimately finished second in the delegate count, behind Senator John McCain, and third in the popular vote, losing to both Senator McCain and Governor Mitt Romney. After the election, Huckabee hosted his own show on Fox News.
Huckabee’s Campaign Committee raised a total of $16,075,486. The breakdown of his fund sources consists of Individual Contributions 15,991,901 (99%), PAC Contributions $54,423 (less than 0%) and Other $29,162 (less than 0%). Huckabee’s self-financing is listed at 0%, which is unique for a political candidate. How complete are Huckabee’s campaign finance reports? The reports are broken down into Full Disclosure $8,388,480 (89.9%), Incomplete $153,179 (1.6%) and No Disclosure $793,398 (8.5%). The charts below provide a closer look at these numbers.

How do these fund sources compare to the other Republican candidates? Can you equate Huckabee’s numbers to Senator Marco Rubio’s, Senator Ted Cruz’s and Senator Rand Paul’s? Do you feel Mike Huckabee has a slight advantage because this is his second time running for the Republican nomination?