If you turn on the news and unemployment is the topic of discussion, you may hear how the unemployment rate is below 6%. Considering recent past rates, this is a low number. However, this measurement of the unemployment rate is misleading because it overlooks the suffering of the long-term unemployed, as well as those who are…
This is the debt that WE as Americans hold… 14 figures and counting. Think that is enough?
We all know not to allow debt to pile up on our credit card. Yes, sometimes we miss a payment, but we make payments as soon as we can. Now think of someone who continuously piles up debt. Instead of…
Any recent college graduate will most likely tell you that they enjoyed their journey through college. They will go into stories of their favorite classes, a crazy professor, or a social event with their friends that they may or may not remember. What these grads may not want to discuss is the student-loan debt they…
Any recent college graduate will most likely tell you that they enjoyed their journey through college. They will go into stories of their favorite classes, a crazy professor, or a social event with their friends that they may or may not remember. What these grads may not want to discuss is the student-loan debt they…
Since the start of Occupy Wall Street in September of 2011, many Americans have heard the media, family or friends state that: It is the 1% who is ruining this country! They are taking all of our money! They should pay more taxes – their fair share! The Occupy movement has stated that there is a…